As we all know getting it to go away is impossible but with a mindset it is possible to reset your T1D so that you start with a clean slate. Well I can anyway, if this helps for anyone else then that is great.
Some days I will eat too much stuff that will have adverse effects on my BSL, some days the stress of life takes hold and effects my BSL, some days things are just out of control and some days are great but the one thing that I tell myself is that there is one constant and that is the fact that at night I will go to sleep and not have any food intake for at least 6-8 hours. Being on my Medtronic pump this allows anything that I have eaten or done in the previous day to be utilised in my system. It means that the only insulin onboard is my basal rate. There is nothing else that is having an effect.
I may wake up high from what had happened the day before but the simplistic approach of not having anything else in my system usually means the correction works quickly to bring be back into line for a fresh start. It will be similar if I wake low. I know that there isn't anything else that will need to balculated into the glucose correction just the simple process of having it come back up to start again. Don't get me wrong though things can still go wrong by overdoing the correction but that just comes down to self control.
So all in all this is what I tell myself or allowing myself the ability to reset my T1D. It allows me to put aside everything that happened the day before and only focus on what is to come. Mistakes will still be made or bad days will happen but I will always know the next morning I can start again.