Wednesday 5 November 2014

One size fits all

This may be the case when we look at some hats, stretchy clothes and accessories however in the world of T1D nothing can be further from the truth. In the general public, through the media promoting a very general picture when it comes to T1D, T2 or even T1.5, it is believed that if you have Diabetes you have one not looked after yourself or your parents haven't provided  a healthy lifestyle when your a child. So in short the perception is that one size does fit all or even most.

What the general public do not realize is that there are so many things that are different to each and every T1D -
  • The only one thing that is the same is that we all have a auto immune system that doesn't like out Beta insulin producing cells and we can either no longer create insulin or are on the way to that.

  • How exercise effects us can be different. During and after the exercise some peoples adrenaline will cause the BSL to increase rapidly and then find that a drop in the actual BSL from the exercise will happen after the adrenaline subsides. Others have a drop during or straight after.

  • Basal rates (the background insulin either with short acting insulin through a pump or long acting insulin on MDI) will be different. Mine change depending on the time of day. For some reason when my body rests is when I need the highest amount of basal insulin. Others such as my daughter have a very low rate over night and higher rates during the day.

  • Food can have very big differences on everyone. A simple piece of bread can effect one person in one way and someone else completely different. Different times of the day is also able to see different insulin requirements for the carbohydrates eaten. Breakfast lunch and dinner are all different in my pump. 

  • The way in which people are effected by highs and lows also vary greatly. Some people are highly susceptible to  DKA or dangerous lows without really knowing. Other people will know it is coming before it gets to a dangerous level. Some people become emotional with lows, some people get the shakes, some sweat heavily and there are many other possibility that are experienced however these are what I feel sometimes singularly and sometimes all together.

  • Management methods are different also. Some people are happy with the management that MDI give them however there are others that have become fed up with the constant injections and move to the insulin infusion pump. As technology changes I am sure there will be more options with management so time will tell what other differences there will be.
Even though this list isn't complete as there are differences each and every day that show that One size does not fit all T1D's.

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