Saturday 7 December 2013

A happy interaction....

It is amazing as I contribute to online communities, talk to other parents with children with T1D and even have friends with T1 (even though we don't talk enough) but nothing stands up to speaking to a complete stranger who you connect to instantly because we share this disease.

Today while waiting for my wife to have her nails done I decided to take the kids to the park at the shopping centre. I open the door and the kids run, as usual, to all the fun and excitement that the park brings. Keeping in mind that I needed to make sure that my T1 daughter didn't drop low I decided to take a seat and watch the fun. Upon sitting down I saw a common sight to me but to most people would not even take a second except if they were looking to see if the device that was on the pocket was some sort of pager or MP3 player.

I knew instantly that this person knew what it was like to have a hypo or to be high, from over doing the sugar intake and not weed. It isn't everyday you come across another T1 so I decided to make contact. For a split second the Type ones in the near vicinity out numbered the normal people (well it didn't but there were now 3 out of around 10 and in my opinion that is almost a gathering) and I said  the mother playing with her family that I think there are now more type 1's here than normal people. Instantly when hearing those words there was understanding that we were both on the same page.

After conversing for minutes about myself and my daughter being T1 and jotting though the standard questions such as "When were you diagnosed or How long have you been Type 1?" I realised to myself that to speak face to face with someone who goes through a day simular to what I do is a relief and a joy. To be able to speak only half of a scenario and know that the other person can relate is something to behold. Usually if I told someone that I was 2.2 it would mean absolutely nothing to them without a long explanation as to the standard levels and what causes low blood sugar is and even what blood sugar is but in this instance I was told and I could empathise without even another word.

I suppose that this relates back the scenario where people talk about the advancement of technology across all sectors such as robots working in hospitality (I know a long way off) and less need for people as we are automating so much that where we used to have 10 people to do a job we now only require 2, where doctors will consult online with instruments that will send instant results online. There is a time where human interaction becomes one of the most important factors in life. To be able to relate feelings, scenario's, joys and frustrations is as important to me as breathing. Nothing can ever take away from this event and for any T1's out there that don't have the want or maybe the means to meet another T1 in person then I hope one day that you have the opportunity as nothing compares.

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