Friday 11 October 2013

What the professionals may or may not tell you

This is a list for T1D's that are newly diagnosed or just wondering -

1. With management T1D is not a life ending disease.

2. T1D is an auto immune disease where T2 is a insulin resistance or a slow down of insulin production. Both can be long term but there are possibilities to reverse and even prevent Type 2.

3. The majority of diabetics are T2 so you will quickly become frustrated when people expect that you were either an over weight child or ate a lot of junk food and sugar to get a this and that you can go for a run regularly to get rid of it.

4. T1D is a life long disease

5. A cure is only around the corner, I and every T1 I have met have always been told that it is only 5 years away. If that was the case I have nearly lived past 5 cures since my diagnosis.

6. You can do anything you want with T1D. I have jumped from planes, dived under the ocean, traveled to 1st world and 3rd world countries, I drive a car and have done so since I was 18y/o, work full time in a high stress job, have 3 beautiful children and a georgeous wife etc etc....

7. You have options - you have to know how to do injections but delivery methods are growing now more than ever.

8. The insulin infusion pump can change your life and put some normality back.

9. The pump if not managed can get you into trouble a lot quicker than multiple daily injections.

10. Buy a nutrician book or download an app to help understand the amount of carbohydrates in each and every type of food.

11. Put some hard work in early to know as much about carbohydrates and types of food as once it is in your memory it is there for life.

12. Never think that you have to be perfect. A lot about T1D is about educated guesses. Along the way you learn and can fix slight mistakes. There is no such thing as perfect.

13. Highs and lows are a part of T1D. Anyone that tells you it's not then you need to find a new person for your support group.

14. Constant highs and lows need addressing and that is when problems can happen.

15. There are possibilities of complication. Yes circulation, kidney disease, eye problems, amputation , heart damage and brain damage plus others are possible however with control and dudilagence then all of this is avoidable.

16. Be you first and manage your diabetes rather than letting diabetes rule you.

17. Don't be afraid of being different or showing the world how you live.

18. Become an educator and anytime someone gives you a strange look for pricking your finger or giving yourself an injection in public then take the time to educate as the majority of the population will not understand.

19. Find other T1D's through support groups, online or in person. This will give you a sounding board for when you feel like no one understands or is around.

20. Find a support group that makes you and your health the priority. The professionals in your team need to be able to teach you what you need to know to do everything yourself.

21. You will eventually be the expert of your diabetes. Doctors and educators can tell you the clinical effects however you will be the expert of how your body reacts and what will work best.

22. Always have someone around that knows what to do if you need them. Hypo or High.

23. Never ignore what your body tells you. Even if your body is telling you your high and the BSL shows a result of 5.6 it is always the best to be safe than sorry.

24. Let your BSL machine become your best friend. It will be around for a long time and tell you exactly what you need to do.

25. Live the way you want to.

This is no way a complete list and more will be added along the way however it is a start.

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