Wednesday 2 October 2013

A morning I would rather forget!

Well today was a shocker and I hear you ask why and to put it simply my Hypo hit me today at work and upon looking at my BSL test result I was in trouble with a reading of 1.6.

To everyone else, my colleagues, my boss and some customers everything would have looked fine on the outside however I was struggling to form thought patterns. As I realised I was hypo my wife rang me and I told her I was in trouble and couldn't understand what she was saying. I said it was a hypo in very broken English and said I would call back.

Being proud and not wanting my work to know I was having trouble, an image thing, I headed for the outside to get some sugar. While walking to the corner shop, a stupid thing to do at 1.6 all my mind could do was swear a lot and have trouble making seance of anything. I was confused about what I was doing. The tasks I was performing at work prior were getting questioned in my own head as to why I would do that. I was confused as to where I was going however I knew sugar was my priority.

I spoke to my wife again on the way down and could not string anything together and the comprehension was impossible. There would be seconds, that felt like minutes that I couldn't speak and I could hear the frustration in my wife's voice. Again in broken English I said I would call again when I fixed myself.

I got to the food court and I was in such a stupid state that I even debated with myself as to what type of sugar I should get. I know stupid. I made my way to the place with the shortest line that sold coke and was able to string the words together "can I have a coke please?" We'll that is what I thought I said. It could have been completely different but the guy got the message and I got the coke. Out of habit I took a look at the nutrition panel and out of interest sake it is 40gms of carbohydrates for 375mls of coke. I opened it up and slammed the whole thing back. By this stage I realised that the profuse sweating had started and my shirt was becoming drenched.

It is amazing how quickly sugar can enter into your system cause within a minute of drinking the coke my thoughts were coming back to me. I could make sense and sentences again. I called my wife back and I believe she was relieved that I was ok. She also informed me that my daughter not long before I had a 1.5 which she fixed promptly. I don't know why but on this occasion we were in sync.

Looking back at the reasons for why this happened and it came down to a poorly made hot chocolate. Usually if I have one it is roughly 40gms of carbs to get me through it and it would be this way 9 times out of 10 however this one was the one where it was weak and obviously not the same sugar content so the carbs were not there for the insulin given. Due to my meeting and the conversation with my customer it slipped by me which was really annoying.

This was a bad one and if I had left it any longer I could have lost time but once again thank god for adrenalin and its ability to keep you going even in times of desperate need.

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